
Poster numbers

First author surname Firstname Poster number and title
Acuti Diletta 6.7 Branding and distribution strategies within industry convergence: An exploratory research of the nutraceutical market
Ahmad Husairi Mariyani 8.2 Creating a superior product at any stage of the industry life cycle (ILC): The role of functional and dynamic capabilities
Amorim Ana Isabel 21.4 Exploring the potential use of internal social networks in higher education
Aouzelleg Louiza  12.2 Presence of Algerian brands on the internet: Impact on consumer based brand equity
Arrivé Sandra 12.3 Digital brand content: From practice to concept
Auxtova Kristina 1.2 Shocking, controversial, and offensive advertising: A systematic review
Barroso-Mendez M. Jesus 15.5 Successful partnership processes between businesses and NPOs: The role of partner characteristics and relationship capital
Bauer Andràs 11.6 How to become a better salesperson? A career research perspective
Bazaki Eirini 13.6 The role of habit and social presence in Web and mobile platforms
Ben-Moussa Essia 21.2 Analysis through eye tracking approach of the way consumers read mixed review pages
Berthaud Stephanie 19.8 The impact of the type of bank on customers' reactions to their bank: The mediating role of trust
Bettiga Debora 10.1 Understanding the influence of anticipated emotions on personal devices adoption and usage
Bialkova Svetlana 1.9 When good intention rolls in wrong dimension: Factors precluding ad success
Bicakcioglu Nilay 7.8 Understanding brand love: Antecedents and consequences
Bormann Patrick 11.4 Misbelief about synergies: How strategy flaws alter revenue streams in online and offline channels
Brokalaki Zafeirenia  2.5 Consumption for self hypervasis: Ballet as a foucauldian technology of the self
Brunner Thomas 16.3 Labels are not always beneficial: The case of organic wine
Bryła Paweł 16.4 Organic food consumption in Poland: Motives and barriers
Bui Phuong Thao 4.1 Avenger-customers: How do negative emotions drive their revenge behavior?
Burnier Pedro 17.7 International marketing strategies of an agribusiness born global company
Calderón Urbina Susan 2.2 “In-fashion” or “always classy”? The effect of psychological pressure on the choice of conspicuous products
Cavusoglu Lena 21.1 Dress code, virtual: The impact of social media usage patterns in apparel consumption
Cayolla Ricardo 7.3 Neural aspects of brand love
Chang In Ngan 9.4 The effects of buyer- supplier’s collaboration on knowledge and product innovation
Charbonnier-Voirin Audrey 7.9 Internal employer brand: Some possible consequences for the organization
Chatzopoulou Evangelia 6.4 The concurrent effect of managerial cognitions and emotions in strategic expansion decision making
Chen Ming-Yi 3.1 Do we become better people after doing good things?
Chen Shan 11.5 Elicit Chinese consumers’ willingness to pay in e-commerce
Chen Chen  15.1 Will the nonprofit get hurt by the sponsorship?
Chou Cindy Yunhsin 19.4 The mediation effect of intercustomer social support on customer subjective well-being: A virtual servicescape study
Chryssochoidis George 16.6 Performance of the 5 most importance nutritional labels: Testing for their perceived completeness, complexity, simplicity, accuracy and coerciveness across 4 countries
Chuan Gan Chin  12.1 Pre-decision evaluation as a factor of anticipated cognitive dissonance in online environment
Chung Tuck Siong 13.3 Effect of mood management on mobile news content preferences
Constantinides Efthymios 21.6 The efficacy of the internet and social media as medical marketing tools
Cornelis Erlinde 22.5 The product, the pitch, or the promotor? A conceptual model for investigating consumer response to crowdfunding campaigns
Dabic Marina 9.2 Does marketing innovation influence product and process innovation?
Daukuls Roman  10.5 New product diffusion in multiple channels
De Jongh Valérie Livia 21.7 The inner circle: An exploratory study of CEOs’ perspectives on social media in leadership communication
Demir Pinar  1.5 Consumers' perceptions of and responses to advertising creativity
Diaz Estrella 20.4 The analysis of the persuasiveness of airline websites: A latent class segmentation
Dinh Estelle 7.2 Familiness and luxury brand equity – a tale of twin sisters?
Dotterweich Christoph 6.1 Outcome-based contracts in small and medium sized enterprises - a contradiction!?
Duque Lola C. 14.3 Is it good for small firms to engage in cause-related marketing campaigns?
E Griesser Simone  2.1 Psychological distance of utilitarian vs. luxury products and services
Esterzon Emilie 13.5 The effect of mobile phone reminders on medical appointment attendance
Falcao Roberto 17.8 Revisiting international marketing performance: Towards a framework
Fayos Gardó Teresa 17.1 Analysing the international activity of fashion retail firms through a combined embeddedness-dynamic capabilities approach
Feng Zhiteng  13.1 The impact of mobile word of mouth (mWOM) on consumer decision-making
Ferreira Viviane Moura Rocha 11.3 Marketing strategy and financial performance in retail e-commerce
Frasquet Marta 11.2 The interaction between offline and online behaviors of multichannel retail customers
Freixanet Joan 17.2 The impact of innovation on firms’ internationalization and performance
Fueyo Celine 21.3 Employees’ voice on professional social networks: A major influence on e-reputation
Gambarjan Karine 12.5 Customer engagement in digital channels as a key factor of modern loyalty: The airline practice
Ghoul Amelie El 5.5 Designing and delivering consistent customer experiences: Integrating brand and stakeholder management
Giannetti Verdiana  8.3 Product’s characteristics as drivers of trickle-down and reverse innovation: Evidence from the food industry
Hafeez Ajmal  10.3 The effect of perceived learning opportunity on consumers’ evaluations of really new products
Hakala Ulla 7.7 Operationalizing corporate brand heritage
Hayran Ceren 2.4 Antecedents and consumer behavioral consequences of "the feeling of missing out"
Hirschfelder Benedikt 1.7 The effects of content marketing on the attitude formation in the South African energy drink market
Honkanen Pirjo 16.5 Organic or wild? European consumers’ perceptions of organic fish reveal challenges for communication and marketing
Horia Tierean Silviu  17.5 A good neighbor or a distant friend? The role of distance and supplier’s reputation in international purchasing
Hsia Kang-Ning 1.6 Effects of differences in mood induction timing on ad recall
Huang Hui-Ling 6.5 The effect of fit among manufacturing strategy, strategic orientation, and marketing strategy on business performance
Hwang Euejung 7.6 Elicitation of semantic and perceptual brand meanings
Jacobsen Lina 22.6 Using online user communities for interactive value creation in innovation
Jiao Wenyu 11.1 A multichannel, cross-selling and discount framework to improve customer lifetime value
Jin Daoyan  5.2 Linking online self-service technology interactivity and customer brand engagement: The role of gamification
Jussila Jari 21.5 Social media analytics empowering marketing insight: A framework for analyzing affective experiences from social media content
Kachouie Reza  6.3 From matching to creating market change: A dynamic marketing capabilities view
Kadic-Maglajlic Selma 4.6 Moderated mediation approach for improving wom and customer perceived value: Is there a trade-off between flexibility and information sharing?
Karaduman Cansu 2.9 How to make deals more attractive: Do not let your customers become depleted
Kazlauskienė Asta  8.1 Attitudes towards product category effect on consumers’ reactions to business crises
Keszey Tamara 10.4 The effects of sales-marketing encroachment on new product development
Khimina Svetlana  9.1 Design innovativeness: Concept and effect on performance
Kim Moon-Yong 17.3 The interaction effects of brand globalness and national culture on country brand popularity
Klemm Alexandra 3.4 Buying less, sharing more? Comparative analysis of downshifting and collaborative consumption practices
Komarac Tanja 15.2 Museum shops' role in creating and delivering value: Museum professionals' perspectives
Kopanidis Foula 4.5 The drive towards karate membership: The influence of risk, personal values, benefits and enjoyment of activities across Singapore, Australia and New Zealand
Korelo Jose Carlos 3.5 Social norms influencing user's energy consumption: The case of Brazilian energy tariff flag system
Koronios Konstantinos 5.6 Motivation for recurring customers in sport events: Evidence from an ultramarathon running event
Kousi Sofia 2.7 Decomposing the natural edge of experiential purchases on wellbeing
Krowinska Agata  5.3 An exploration of factors influencing digital natives’ brand engagement on Facebook
Kuazaqui Edmir 4.3 Entrepreneurial sales and building strategic relationships
Kwon Kyung-Joon 13.4 Conceptualizing users’ intentions to share consumption experiences online via mobile devices
Laflamme Josee 1.1 Influence of cultures on sexist stereotypes in advertising: State of the art
Laud Gauri 22.3 Co-created obsession: A new perspective on consumer engagement
Lin Hsin-Chen 12.6 How political candidates’ social media presence and their use of it relate to their election outcomes
Liu Wenjing 7.5 Brand integration in horizontal merger and acquisition: Analysis of cases in Chinese household electrical appliances industry
Mac Lancy 6.6 The market driving strategy construct: An
empirical validation
Mardumyan Anna 4.2 Mediation in complaint handling: What motivates customers to turn to the mediator?
Meriläinen Kirsi 20.1 Managing of business networks through exchanging customer knowledge: A case study on tourism networks
Moran Gillian 5.1 Interactive content features on Facebook: Does user engagement need a little nudge?
Moritz Madleen  22.2 Negatively experienced co-creation processes via online self-service technologies: Exploring the drivers and consequences
Moser Andrea K. 16.10 Deciphering sustainable consumption: Understanding, motives and heuristic cues in the context of personal care products
Mrkwicka Kirsten 22.4 Developing absorptive capacity to leverage user-generated content
Muniz Karlan 1.3 The impact of narrative-brand congruency on perceived realism and its effect on the transportation process
Munten Pauline 2.6 Curbing product obsolescence issues: understanding life span information framing effects on consumers’ intertemporal choices
Nazifi Amin 19.7 The drivers of perceived justice in a service termination context
Nedeva Valentina 1.8 Branding the divine: Consumer response to transcendental references in brand communication
Negrão Angela 3.3 Social influence on pro-social behaviors: Could brands' virtuous actions influence consumers’ pro-social behavior?
Novikova Olga 4.4 Empirical analysis of consumer purchase behavior: Interaction between state dependence and sensitivity to marketing-mix variables
Ozimec Kristina  16.1 Cognitive and social factors of intertemporal choice in the context of sustainable consumption
Panigyraki Artemis  16.2 Consumer suspicion as a communicational opportunity in ethical consumption
Park Jaewoo 3.2 Does hand cleansing affect feelings of guilt for smoking behavior?
Paul Fritze Martin  19.1 Intangible possessions? Loss aversion and ownership as explanatory approaches to the endowment effect in service contexts
Pilla Bretas Vanessa 18.4 A framework for analysis of strategy development in  the franchising sector in emerging markets
Pinheiro José 9.6 Alignment and adaptability in manufacturing firms: absorptive capacity and ambidexterity of market and innovation orientations impacts on business performance
Pronay Szabolcs 9.5 University innovations for sale – analyzing the technology transfer activities of European and Japanese universities from the perspective of science to business marketing
Ptok Annette  6.2 Can you operationalize marketing and sales related constructs with compustat’s SGA (selling, general, and administrative expenses)?
Reiby Audun  18.2 Governance, cultural distance and cultural competencies: The impact of plural governance on cultural competencies for multinational companies in China
Rodrigues Paula 7.1 Why consumers buy luxury brand?
Ruffer Stefan 19.6 Does one strategy fit all? An exploratory investigation of customer acquisition in the context of complex services
Sahabeh Tabrizi Eisa 8.5 The monetary effect of self-production: A randomized trial about the impact of self-producing a food product on willingness to pay
Sakellariou Evy 9.3 Organizing ideation in global firms: How to avoid the complexity trap
Sakr Adel 1.4 A content analysis study on visual metaphor in print advertising
Sanjari Seyedeh Setareh 15.4 Why one does not fit all: Towards an integrative framework of nutrition label formats effectiveness
Scheiben Carolin 2.11 The trade of time and money: Mental accounting and consumer decision making
Schikofsky Jan 14.2 Less is more, more or less - how to deal with mental rebound effects in consumers’ mobility behavior
Schlueschen Andrea 5.4 Effects of branded celebrity posts on customer engagement in social media
Shekhovtsova Iryna  9.8 Innovation, risk, and firm value
Shevchenko Elena  22.1 Consumer engagement with user-generated content
Shiraishi Guilherme 15.3 Pricing in nonprofit organizations: A flagship species case
Sievers Silvia 19.5 Truths, myths, and lies about internal marketing: Mapping the literature and ways forward
Singh Gaganpreet  16.7 Leveraging green packaging for price premium
Sresnewsky Katherine 11.7 Marketing information system applied to retail (MISR): A theoretical proposal
Sun Ruohao  9.7 External resource and radical innovation: The moderating role of marketing intelligence
Sung Eunyoung (christine) 13.2 Consumer-led behavioral intention and psychological risk aversion toward location-based social media mobile apps
Sy-Changco Joseph 18.3 Standardization or adaptation: A case study on Cirque du Soleil’s Zaia show in Macau
Sze Yin Ho Jessica  4.7 Can website personality foster online relationship marketing?
Tabari Saloomeh 20.6 Tourism destination image management: The case of England as honeymoon destination
Tariq Adeel  10.2 Brand extensions: The effect of adoption of additional products on the change in brand expectations
Thomas Robert 2.8 Exploring football fans’ utilitarian shopping motivation and its effect on sponsorship engagement
Trocchia Phil 17.6 Your final is interfering with my travel plans: Creating student entitlement clusters
Tsogas Markos 17.4 Targeting alternatives in international market expansion strategies
Tuan Annamaria 14.1 Consumers' reactions to new corporate community initiatives. The role of the type of community and country of origin
Tuusjärvi Eiren 16.9 Building organic as a brand: Experiences of the 'unconverted'
Ulqinaku Aulona  2.12 Holding on for a hero: The effect of heroes in mitigating psychological threats
Valor Carmen 16.8 Barking up the wrong tree: Sustainability, consumption, and the circuits of power
Van Den Ochtend Jeroen 10.6 Product adoption within the existing customer base: The importance of private and social signals
Vecino Gravel Julio D. 2.10 Is the weight so important?
Vernuccio Maria 5.7 Consumer-brand engagement: Delving into the managerial perspectives
Vicdan Handan 20.2 Impact of wwoofing as an alternative tourism on sustainability
Vítová Dušková Marie 12.7 Measuring the impact of youtube channels of philharmonic orchestras using h-index
Voorn Ronald  7.4 The role of values in the consumer brand selection process
Wang Qian  19.3 The impact of customer value co-creation activities on wellbeing in services
Wu Szu-Hsin  19.2 Designing emotional customer experience for value co-creation: From a service-dominant logic perspective
Yalkin Cagri 20.3 Soap-opera induced tourism to turkey: Contesting the Ottoman post-colonial relationships and nation-brands
Yuan Lin 18.1 Diversification, industry type and performance of developing country mncs
Zanon Johanna 20.5 The role of message strategies in promoting eco-friendly accommodations
Zhan Fu-Rong 8.4 Show me the product or the model: The effect of the type of online product display on  consumer responses
Zhang Jie  2.3 Product aesthetics and consumers’ evaluation of the hedonic consumption experience -  the case of consumers’ taste perception
Zhang Sha 12.4 How do companies make their wechat brand posts popular? Empirical evidence from well-known Chinese brands